VW IoT Pentest Course

Special Price : 580 USD per person

Training Days : 5 Days
Price for group of 4 person or above please contact us.

Introduction to IoT Security

Firmware Analysis and Exploitation

Getting started with Firmware

Extracting file system from Firmware

Automated File System Extraction using Binwalk

Hidden Certificates inside Firmware

Hardcoded Telnet Credentials inside Firmware

Additional Firmware analysis - password protected firmware

Reversing Binaries using Hopper

Working with Encrypted Firmware Binaries

Emulating IoT Firmware Binaries

Debugging Emulated Binaries

Full Firmware Emulation with FAT

Backdooring Firmware Binaries

Firmware Patching

Firmware Patching - Hands On

Conventional Attack Techniques

Attacking Web Apps

Performing Command Injection

Diffing based vulnerabilities

Getting started with SmartPlug

Additional mobile application analysis

Reversing Encryption

Using Frida for App Analysis

Smart Plug Hacking

Orvibo Smart Plug Hacking

Native library analysis using Ghidra

Binary Exploitation for IoT Devices

Intro to Binary Exploitation & ARM

ARM Instruction Sets and Addressing Modes

Using GDB to analyze ARM Binaries

ARM Mode and Thumb Mode

Manipulating Program Execution

Reversing Binary and Understanding Disassembly

ROP Based Exploitation for ARM

ARM Exploitation on Real World Firmware

Writing Shellcodes for ARM

Binary Exploitation on MIPS - A Short Overview

Hardware/Embedded Hacking for IoT Devices

Introduction to Hardware Hacking

Analyzing Circuit Boards (PCB Recon)

PCB Reconnaissance Continued

Performing Pin Tracing (Analyzing Tracks)

Serial Communication Interfaces and Introduction to UART

Exploiting an IP Camera

NAND Glitching

Introduction to JTAG

Identifying JTAG pinouts with Arduino Nano and JTAGEnum

Using JTAGulator to identify JTAG pinouts

Connections for JTAG

JTAG Debugging with Attify Badge

Flashing new firmware using JTAG

Reading Memory Contents using JTAG

Dumping data using JTAG

Connections for the Final Exercise

JTAG Authentication Bypass Walkthrough


Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Communication

SPI Flash Firmware Dumping

Logic and Bus Sniffing

Software Defined Radio and Radio Communications for IoT

Introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Common Radio Terminologies

Getting Started With RTL-SDR

Working with GNURadio

Sending Data with a 433 MHz transmitter

Identifying Exact frequency using GQRX

Decoding a 433 MHz signal

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy

BLE Device Recon

Analyzing a BLE device

Getting started with ESP32 for BLE Security Research

Exploring BLE using ESP32

Sniffing BLE using Adafruit Sniffer

Sniffing BLE using Ubertooth sniffer

Exploiting a BLE Smart Lock

Getting started with BLE Smart Lock (OKLOK)

Reverse Engineering OKLOK with JADx and Frida

Smartlock BLE Traffic Capture and Analysis

Understanding the Smart Lock Logic

Smartlock Unlock Script and Mechanism


Introduction to ZigBee and Lab Setup

Sniffing and Dumping ZigBee packets

[DEMO] Attify Zigbee Framework - Sniff, Replay and Exploit ZigBee traffic in IoT devices