Certified Network Security Tester

Target Students​

Network administrators, security professionals, penetration testers, and IT professionals responsible for securing network infrastructures and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of network communications.

Duration : 40 hours (5 days)

Learning Objectives

Master techniques for identifying and mitigating network vulnerabilities.

Understand the principles of network security and defense-in-depth strategies.

Learn to conduct network penetration tests and vulnerability assessments.

Develop skills in configuring and securing network devices.

Gain experience with real-world network security testing scenarios.

Exam Codes : CNST-905

Exam Duration : 2 hours

Exam Formats : 100 multiple-choice questions

Exam Options : Online , In-Person

Passing Score : 70%

Course Outline

Foundations of Network Security

Module 1 : Introduction to Network Security

Overview of Network Security Concept

Understanding the Importance of Network Security

Common Network Threats and Vulnerabilities

Network Security Principles: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA Triad)

Network Architecture and Protocols

Overview of Network Layers and Protocols: TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS

Understanding Network Devices: Routers, Switches, Firewalls, and IDS/IPS

Introduction to Secure Network Design and Segmentation

Module 2 : Setting Up a Testing Environment

Building a Network Security Testing Lab

Setting Up Virtual Networks and Simulating Network Topologies

Introduction to Network Security Tools: Wireshark, Nmap, and Metasploit

Best Practices for Securing the Testing Environment

Network Vulnerability Identification

Module 3 : Network Reconnaissance and Scanning

Passive Reconnaissance Techniques

OSINT for Network Security: WHOIS, DNS Records, and IP Address Identification

Identifying Network Assets and Attack Surfaces

Gathering Information about Network Services and Applications

Active Scanning Techniques

Network Scanning with Nmap: Host Discovery, Port Scanning, and Service Enumeration

Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus and OpenVAS

Identifying Open Ports, Running Services, and Potential Vulnerabilities

Module 4 : Testing for Network Vulnerabilities

Exploiting Network Protocols

Understanding and Exploiting Common Network Protocols: SMB, FTP, and SNMP

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: ARP Spoofing, DNS Poisoning, and SSL Stripping

Case Study: Exploiting Network Protocol Vulnerabilities in Real-World Scenarios

Wireless Network Security

Understanding Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, and WPA2

Conducting Wireless Penetration Tests: Cracking Wireless Networks and Capturing Traffic

Case Study: Wireless Network Security Testing in Corporate Environments

Advanced Network Security Testing Techniques

Module 5 : Testing Network Devices and Firewalls

Firewall Security Testing

Understanding Firewall Types and Configurations: Stateful vs. Stateless

Bypassing Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Case Study: Firewall Misconfigurations and Exploits in Enterprise Networks

Network Device Security Testing

Assessing the Security of Routers, Switches, and Access Points

Identifying Vulnerabilities in Network Device Configurations

Case Study: Real-World Attacks on Network Devices

Module 6 : Secure Network Design and Configuration

Best Practices for Secure Network Design

Implementing Network Segmentation and VLANs

Secure Configuration of Network Devices: Hardening and Best Practices

Case Study: Securing a Corporate Network Through Segmentation and Proper Configuration

Secure Remote Access and VPN Testing

Testing VPN Configurations for Security Flaws

Securing Remote Access Solutions: RDP, SSH, and VPNs

Case Study: Real-World VPN Security Assessment

Network Security Best Practices

Module 7 : Monitoring and Incident Response

Network Monitoring and Threat Detection

Implementing Network Monitoring Solutions: IDS/IPS, SIEM, and NetFlow

Analyzing Network Traffic for Suspicious Activities

Case Study: Detecting and Responding to a Network Intrusion

Incident Response in Network Security

Developing a Network Incident Response Plan

Steps for Containing, Eradicating, and Recovering from Network Security Incidents

Case Study: Incident Response for a Network Breach

Module 8 : Reporting and Remediation

Writing Effective Security Reports

Documenting Network Security Findings: Executive Summaries, Technical Details, and Recommendations

Creating Remediation Plans: Prioritization and Risk Mitigation

Presenting Findings to Network Engineers and Stakeholders

Post-Assessment Activities

Validating Remediation and Retesting Network Security

Continuous Monitoring and Security Assessments

Case Study: From Vulnerability Discovery to Remediation in Network Security

Practical Application and Capstone Project

Module 9 : Practical Application and Capstone Project

End-to-End Network Security Testing Exercise

Participants Conduct a Full Security Assessment on a Simulated Network Environment

Identify, Exploit, and Document Network Vulnerabilities

Peer Review and Instructor Feedback on Testing Techniques

Advanced Network Security Testing Technique

Exploring Cutting-Edge Testing Methods: IPv6 Security, SDN Security, and IoT Network Security

Case Study: Applying Advanced Techniques in a Complex Network Environment

Module 10 : Capstone Project and Exam Preparation

Capstone Project

Participants Work on a Comprehensive Capstone Project that Encapsulates All Skills Learned Throughout the Course

Focus on Real-World Application, Reporting, and Analysis

Peer Review and Presentation of Capstone Project

Exam Preparation and Review

Review of Key Concepts and Techniques Covered During the Course

Sample Exam Questions and Group Discussions

Final Q&A Session and Wrap-Up