Certified Ransomware Negotiator

Target Students​

Cybersecurity professionals, incident responders, legal advisors, and crisis managers responsible for handling ransomware attacks, negotiating with threat actors, and ensuring the protection and recovery of organizational assets.

Duration : 40 hours (5 days)

Learning Objectives

Master the skills required to negotiate with ransomware attackers effectively.

Understand the legal, ethical, and procedural aspects of ransomware negotiations.

Learn to assess the severity of ransomware attacks and develop appropriate response strategies.

Develop skills in managing communications with threat actors and stakeholders.

Prepare for handling real-world ransomware incidents and ensuring business continuity.

Exam Codes : CRN-903

Exam Duration : 2 hours

Exam Formats : 100 multiple-choice questions

Exam Options : Online , In-Person

Passing Score : 70%

Course Outline

Foundations of Ransomware Negotiation

Module 1 : Introduction to Ransomware

Understanding Ransomware

Overview of Ransomware: History, Evolution, and Types

Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack: Infection Vectors, Encryption, and Extortion

The Current Ransomware Landscape: Key Players, Motivations, and Trends

Ransomware Economics

The Economics of Ransomware: Cryptocurrency, Ransom Payments, and Marketplaces

Understanding the Financial Impact of Ransomware on Organizations

Case Study: High-Profile Ransomware Attacks and Their Consequences

Module 2 : Legal and Ethical Considerations

Legal Aspects of Ransomware Negotiation

Overview of Global Legal Frameworks: Data Protection Laws, Cybercrime Legislation

Legal Risks in Ransomware Negotiations: Liability, Compliance, and Reporting Requirements

Case Study: Legal Implications of Paying Ransoms

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Dilemmas in Ransomware Negotiations: To Pay or Not to Pay?

Balancing Business Continuity with Ethical Responsibilities

Case Study: Ethical Decision-Making in Ransomware Scenarios

Negotiation Strategies and Techniques

Module 3 : Crisis Management and Communication

Developing a Ransomware Response Plan

Key Components of a Ransomware Response Plan: Preparation, Detection, Containment, Eradication, Recovery

Incident Response Team Roles and Responsibilities

Best Practices for Effective Crisis Management

Communication Strategies

Managing Communications with Threat Actors: Establishing Contact, Negotiation Channels

Communicating with Internal Stakeholders: Board Members, Legal Counsel, IT Teams

Case Study: Managing Communications During a Ransomware Attack

Module 4 : Negotiation Tactics​

Principles of Negotiation

Understanding the Psychology of Negotiation: Motivations, Leverage, and Power Dynamics

Key Negotiation Tactics: Building Rapport, Anchoring, Concessions, and Deadlines

Case Study: Applying Negotiation Tactics in a Ransomware Scenario

Simulating Negotiations

Role-Playing Ransomware Negotiations: Simulating Interactions with Threat Actors

Analyzing Negotiation Outcomes: Successes, Failures, and Lessons Learned

Case Study: Successful Ransomware Negotiations and Their Impact

Ransomware Risk Assessment and Decision-Making

Module 5 : Assessing the Impact of Ransomware

Severity Assessment

Evaluating the Severity of a Ransomware Attack: Scope, Impact, and Recovery Potential

Conducting a Risk Assessment: Business Impact Analysis, Data Sensitivity, and System Dependencies

Case Study: Assessing the Severity of a Ransomware Attack on Critical Infrastructure

Decision-Making in Ransomware Incidents

Making Informed Decisions: Pay, Delay, or Refuse?

Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Different Response Options

Case Study: Decision-Making in a High-Stakes Ransomware Incident

Module 6 : Incident Response and Forensic Analysis

Forensic Analysis of Ransomware Attack

Techniques for Investigating Ransomware Infections: Identifying the Entry Point, Analyzing Malware Behavior

Collecting and Preserving Evidence for Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Case Study: Conducting a Forensic Investigation After a Ransomware Attack

Post-Incident Response

Steps for Recovery: Decryption, Data Restoration, System Rebuilds

Implementing Lessons Learned: Strengthening Defenses, Updating Response Plans

Case Study: Post-Incident Response in a Complex Ransomware Attack

Advanced Ransomware Negotiation Techniques

Module 7 : Advanced Negotiation Techniques

Psychological Techniques in Ransomware Negotiation

Applying Psychological Principles to Influence Threat Actors

Managing High-Stress Negotiations: Techniques for Maintaining Composure and Control

Case Study: Psychological Manipulation in High-Stakes Negotiations

Building a Negotiation Playbook

Developing a Structured Approach to Ransomware Negotiation: Pre-Negotiation, Engagement, Closing

Customizing Playbooks for Different Scenarios: High-Risk vs. Low-Risk Incidents

Case Study: Creating a Negotiation Playbook for a Global Organization

Module 8 : Ransom Payment and Cryptocurrency Management

Understanding Cryptocurrency

Overview of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Monero, and Their Role in Ransom Payments

Managing Cryptocurrency Transactions: Wallets, Exchanges, and Anonymity

Case Study: Handling a Ransom Payment in Cryptocurrency

Negotiating Payment Terms

Negotiating Payment Schedules, Amounts, and Proof-of-Life for Decryption Keys

Managing the Risk of Non-Delivery: Escrow Services, Payment Delays, and Verification

Case Study: Negotiating Ransom Payments to Minimize Risk

Day 5: Practical Application and Capstone Project

Module 9 : Simulated Ransomware Negotiation

End-to-End Ransomware Negotiation Simulation

Participants Execute a Full Ransomware Negotiation: Crisis Management, Communication, Negotiation, and Payment

Real-World Scenario Simulation: Negotiating with a Sophisticated Ransomware Group

Peer Review and Instructor Feedback on Negotiation Performance

Advanced Ransomware Techniques

Exploring Emerging Ransomware Trends: Double Extortion, Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), and AI-Driven Attacks

Case Study: Addressing Advanced Ransomware Tactics in a Live Negotiation Exercise

Module 10 : Capstone Project and Exam Preparation

Capstone Project

Participants Work on a Comprehensive Capstone Project that Encapsulates All Skills Learned Throughout the Course

Focus on Real-World Application, Reporting, and Analysis

Peer Review and Presentation of Capstone Project

Exam Preparation and Review

Review of Key Concepts and Techniques Covered During the Course

Sample Exam Questions and Group Discussions

Final Q&A Session and Wrap-Up