Cybersecurity Validated Employee

Target Students​

All employees, regardless of role, who need to understand the basics of cybersecurity to protect organizational assets, recognize threats, and follow security best practices in their daily activities

Duration : 16 hours (2 day)

Learning Objectives

Understand fundamental cybersecurity concepts and their importance in the workplace.

Learn to recognize and respond to common cyber threats such as phishing, malware, and social engineering.

Develop skills to secure personal and organizational data.

Gain knowledge of security best practices, including password management, secure browsing, and data protection.

Understand the role of employees in maintaining organizational security.

Exam Codes : CVE-908

Exam Duration : 1 hours

Exam Formats : 50 multiple-choice questions

Exam Options : Online , In-Person

Passing Score : 70%

Course Outline

Foundations of Cybersecurity Awareness

Module 1 : Introduction to Cybersecurity

Understanding Cybersecurity Basics

Importance of Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Common Cyber Threats: Phishing, Malware, Ransomware, and Social Engineering

Overview of Cybersecurity Principles: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA Triad)

The Role of Employees in Cybersecurity

Understanding Employee Responsibilities in Protecting Organizational Assets

The Impact of Human Error in Security Breaches

Case Study: How Employee Awareness Prevented a Cyber Attack

Module 2 : Recognizing Cyber Threats

Phishing and Social Engineering

Identifying Phishing Emails and Social Engineering Tactics

Best Practices for Avoiding Phishing Scams

Case Study: Real-World Phishing Attacks and Their Consequences

Malware Awareness

Understanding Different Types of Malware: Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, and Ransomware

Recognizing Signs of Malware Infection on Devices

Case Study: A Malware Attack on a Corporate Network

Security Best Practices for Employees

Module 3 : Securing Personal and Organizational Data

Data Protection and Privacy

Understanding the Importance of Data Protection in the Workplace

Best Practices for Handling Sensitive Data: Encryption, Secure Storage, and Transmission

Case Study: Data Breach Prevention through Employee Vigilance

Password Management

Creating Strong Passwords and Using Password Managers

Understanding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Its Importance

Case Study: The Impact of Weak Passwords on Organizational Security

Module 4 : Safe Internet and Email Usage

Secure Browsing Practices

Identifying Secure Websites and Avoiding Malicious Links

Best Practices for Using Public Wi-Fi and Protecting Online Privacy

Case Study: The Dangers of Unsafe Browsing and How to Avoid Them

Email Security

Recognizing Suspicious Emails and Attachments

Best Practices for Secure Email Communication

Case Study: How a Simple Email Mistake Led to a Security Breach

Practical Application of Cybersecurity Knowledge

Module 5 : Cybersecurity Policy Compliance

Understanding Organizational Cybersecurity Policies

Overview of Key Cybersecurity Policies: Acceptable Use, BYOD, and Remote Work

The Importance of Compliance with Security Policies

Case Study: The Consequences of Non-Compliance in a Cybersecurity Incident

Reporting Security Incidents

Recognizing and Reporting Potential Security Incidents

Understanding the Incident Response Process

Case Study: Successful Incident Reporting and Mitigation

Module 6 : Continuous Learning and Awareness

Staying Updated on Cybersecurity Trends

The Importance of Continuous Learning in Cybersecurity

Resources for Staying Informed: Newsletters, Webinars, and Online Courses

Case Study: How Continuous Learning Helped Prevent a Cyber Attack

Promoting a Security-Conscious Culture

Encouraging Colleagues to Follow Security Best Practices

The Role of Leadership in Fostering a Security-Conscious Workplace

Case Study: Building a Culture of Cybersecurity in an Organization

Practical Application and Exam Preparation

Module 7 : Hands-On Cybersecurity Awareness Simulation

Interactive Security Awareness Training

Participants Engage in Simulated Cybersecurity Scenarios

Real-World Scenario Simulation: Responding to Phishing Emails, Securing Devices, and Reporting Incidents

Peer Review and Instructor Feedback on Security Practices

Advanced Cybersecurity Awareness Techniques

Exploring Emerging Cybersecurity Threats and How to Mitigate Them

Case Study: Applying Security Awareness in Everyday Work Activities

Module 8 : Capstone Project and Exam Preparation

Capstone Project

Participants Work on a Comprehensive Capstone Project that Encapsulates All Skills Learned Throughout the Course

Focus on Real-World Application, Reporting, and Analysis

Peer Review and Presentation of Capstone Project

Exam Preparation and Review

Review of Key Concepts and Techniques Covered During the Course

Sample Exam Questions and Group Discussions

Final Q&A Session and Wrap-Up